Laudationes Quinque (1766): History, Materiality, and Graphic Technology of the First Jesuit Printed Work in Córdoba, Argentina

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Daniel Enrique Silverman
Marina Garone Gravier


This text describes the location and identifies the material characteristics of the only known copy of Laudationes Quinque. The book (1766) is the first printed work in the city of Córdoba during the colonial period, a city that belonged to the Rio de la Plata Viceroyalty (currently Argentina). A visual analysis of the document was carried out employing the material perspective, considering the graphic technology elements of the old manual press, and observing from a graphic design perspective. This analysis revealed compositional aspects of the pages and graphic communication elements that have been frequently relegated by historians and bibliographers. This work builds upon a previous study that was carried out from a facsimile. Therefore, we take those results as preliminary and now we offer broader findings based on material analysis.


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Silverman, D. E., & Garone Gravier, M. . (2021). Laudationes Quinque (1766): History, Materiality, and Graphic Technology of the First Jesuit Printed Work in Córdoba, Argentina. Diseña, (18), Article.2.
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biographies

Daniel Enrique Silverman, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba, Escuela Superior de Artes Aplicadas L. E. Spilimbergo

Designer, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba. His research focuses on the history and heritage of graphic design and typography in Argentina. His latest publications include ‘Análisis formal y descripción tipográfica de Laudationes Quinque (1766), primer libro impreso en Córdoba, Argentina’ (with G. Cremonini and M. Garone, Ensayos: Historia y Teoría del Arte, Vol. XX, N° 31) and ‘Brevis vita typographica: la imprenta jesuita del Colegio de Monserrat en Córdoba, Argentina’ (with G. Cremonini and M. Garone, Progressus, año III, N° 2).

Marina Garone Gravier, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas

Doctor in Art History, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Researcher at the Instituto de Investi­gaciones Bibliográficas (UNAM) and member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de México. Her research topics include the history of Latin American books, Latin American publishing, typography, and graphic culture; printed culture in indigenous languages; and the relationships between de­sign and feminism. She is the author of Histo­ria de la imprenta y la tipografía colonial en Puebla de los Ángeles (1642-1821) (IIB-UNAM, 2015) and Historia de la tipografía colonial para lenguas indígenas (CIESAS, 2014). She is also the aca­demic co-editor of Diseño latinoamericano. Diez miradas a una historia en construcción (Univer­sidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Universidad Santo Tomás, Politécnico Grancolombiano, 2020).


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