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Vol. 42 No. 3 (2022)

Sexist Discourses About Women’s Interests at the Chilean Parliament: A Pending Challenge for the Descriptive and Substantive Gender Representation

  • Lucía Miranda Leibe
  • Beatriz Roque López
  • Matías Eyzaguirre
October 3, 2022


The rise of descriptive representation after the 2017 quota law invites exploration of the impact on substantive representation. This work classifies the pro-woman statements, distinguishing those that reproduce gender stereotypes (practical interests) from those that break with their reproduction (strategic interests). The data were collected through semi-structured interviews from a proportional random sample by political party and sex in the last two legislatures (2014-18/2018-22). It was shown that non-sexist statements about women’s interests of a strategic nature increased from 30.4% to 48%. The largest number of these phrases were concentrated in the discourse of the youngest left and center-left deputies in 2014-18; expanding to young men and women of the center-right in 2018-22.


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