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Vol. 42 No. 3 (2022)

Can Argentines Be Programmatic Voters? Assessing the Influence of Policy Preferences in Argentine Coalitions Using the Propensities to Vote

October 10, 2022


This research aims to examine to what extent the electoral support for the main Argentine parties is driven by policy preferences. Using original online survey data, we focus on the so-called ‘propensities to vote’ (PTV). We perform a restructuration of the original data matrix into a ‘stacked’ data matrix, according the method proposed by van der Brug, van der Eijk and Franklin (2007). Focusing on the current coalitional structure of party system, shaped into two polarized political blocs, a centre-left and a centre-right, our analyses reveal that programmatic issues effectively contribute to party support in Argentina. We found that economic spheres are crucial for the orientations towards Frente de Todos, while support for Juntos por el Cambio seems to be influenced by a more diverse nature of policy dimensions. Within the two main coalitions, support for PJ and PRO is mainly driven by economic motivations, while their minority partners are more peripheral in this dimension.


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