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Rebekka Kiesewetter


This article discusses academic (Open Access) publishing as a tool. On the one hand, with regards to a commercial publishing industry that ties in its inequalities in the institutional legitimation of knowledges with a neoliberal, competitive, and individualizing world view; as well as with regards to current models of policy and funding driven initiatives considering Open Access (OA) publishing as a business capitalizing on inequalities based on gender, class, and race embedded in systems of scholarly knowledge production. On the other hand, this article reviews current strands of scholar-led OA publishing initiatives that use publishing as a base for an interventionist practice geared at unsettling institutional and neoliberal frameworks of scholarly knowledge production and communication — conceptionally, formally, and organizationally. These initiatives are discussed within more speculative text sections unfolding around feminist and intersectional epistemologies, highlighting the performative, material, and relational character of publishing and publications. Thereby, this text aims to performatively point out possible different publishing formats, activities, and institutions, as well as different perspectives for and on publishing that might be instrumental for instantiating more horizontal and inclusive scholarly forms of knowledge production.


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How to Cite
Kiesewetter, R. (2020). Publishables. Diseña, (16), 58–87.
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biography

Rebekka Kiesewetter, Coventry University

Lic. Phil. I (MA) in Art History, Economics, and Modern History, University of Zurich. Currently she is doing a PhD titled 'Open Access Publishing as a Contested Space' at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures at Coventry University. She is a Research Associate at the Sandberg Institut in Amsterdam. Her research addresses Open Access Publishing; the philosophical and political dimensions of openness; the material, relational, and performative dimension of publishing and publications; and feminist and intersectional critiques of academic knowledge production. She has been Visiting Professor and Guest Lecturer at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design, University of the Arts Bern, and the Political Arts Experimentation Program (SPEAP) at Sciences Po, among other institutions. She is co-author of 'Annotating Publishing. Publishing as Institutent Practice' (with L. Kolb; Critical Media Lab HGK FHNW Basel, 2019) and co-editor of Šibenik Alternating Currents. Publishing Acts II (with A. D. Beroš and E. Jurcan, Dpr-Barcelona, 2019).