‘Squeaky/Pain’: Cultivating Disturbing Experiences and Perspective Transition for Somaesthetic Interactions

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Arife Dila Demir
Nithikul Nimkulrat
Kristi Kuusk


Through an exemplary design case study, we look at how mediating bodily disturbances and cultivating perspective transition from first-to second-person perspective amplifies somaesthetic awareness. The paper focuses on the less explored aspect of soma design, which is the mediation of disturbing experiences that disrupt the everyday flow i.e., pain. The design process illustrated a transition between first- and second-person perspectives to cultivate and externalize the experience with pain as a wearable bodily interaction. The externalized pain experience was translated into an interactive wearable, ‘Squeaky/Pain’, that augments the wearer’s somaesthetic awareness via sound, tactile, and kinesthetic sensations. This paper makes two main contributions to soma design: introducing the implications of disturbing experiences for augmenting somaesthetic awareness and exemplifying how inner bodily disturbances can be materialized through the cultivation of first-and second-person perspectives.


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How to Cite
Demir, A. D., Nimkulrat, N. ., & Kuusk, K. . (2022). ‘Squeaky/Pain’: Cultivating Disturbing Experiences and Perspective Transition for Somaesthetic Interactions. Diseña, (20), Article.2. https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.20.Article.2
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biographies

Arife Dila Demir, Estonian Academy of Arts, Art and Design Doctoral School

MA in Textile Design. Doctoral student at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Her research focuses on soma design, somaesthetics, aesthetics of bodily engagements, movement-ba­sed interactions, interactive textiles, and critical and speculative design. She was a contractual lecturer at the Estonian Academy of Arts. She worked as an e-textile costume designer for a project executed between an artist and Tallinn University, funded by Vertigo STARTS Residency. Recently she was in the STARTS.EE Residency program as an artist and researcher, which was carried out by the HCI Group at the Tallinn University in collaboration with elektron.art. She is the author of ‘AURA: Altering Self-Per­ception Through Interactive Light Emitting Textiles’ (Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction).

Nithikul Nimkulrat, Ontario College of Art & Design University, Faculty of Design

Industrial Designer, Chulalongkorn University. MA in Textile Art and Design, Aalto University. D.Arts in Design, Aalto University. Associate Professor and Chair of the Material Art & Design program at OCAD University. She served as lead editor of the CoDesign special issue ‘Knowing Together – Experiential Knowledge and Collaboration’ (Vol. 16, Issue 4). Some of her latest publications include: ‘Experiential Craft: Knowing through Analogue and Digital Materials Experience’ (in Materials Experience 2; Elsevier, 2021); ‘Decoloniality of Knowing and Being: Artistic Research Through Collabora­tive Craft Practice’ (in Arts-Based Methods for Decolonising Participatory Research; Routledge, 2021); and ‘Translational Craft: Handmade and Gestural Knowledge in Analogue-Di­gital Material Practice’ (Craft Research, Vol. 11, Issue 2).

Kristi Kuusk, Estonian Academy of Arts, Design Research Group

BA in Informatics, Tallinn University of Techno­logy. MA in Fashion Design, Estonian Academy of Arts. Ph.D. in Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology. Senior researcher at the Design Research Group in Estonian Academy of Arts. She is interested in finding alternative futures for clothing and textile design via implementation of technology. She has collaborated as selected laureate in the EU projects ‘STARTS Resi­dencies’ and ‘WORTH Partnership Project’. Her latest publications include: ‘A Transdisciplinary Collaborative Journey Leading to Sensorial Clothing’ (with A. Tajadura-Jiménez and A. Väljamäe, CoDesign, Vol. 16, Issue 4); and ‘Altering One’s Body-perception through E-Textiles and Haptic Metaphors’ (with A. Tajadura-Ji­ménez and A. Väljamäe; Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol. 7).


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