Caring, Repairing, and Reimagining: Experiences from the Rural World

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Florencia Muñoz
Ricardo Greene
Tomás Errázuriz
Rubén Jacob-Dazarola


In the era of the Anthropocene and amidst a severe environmental crisis, part of humanity has set out to imagine new ways of addressing global warming, hyper-production of goods, and massive waste generation. Academia and public policies have placed their focus primarily on urban areas, neglecting the experiences that the rural world can offer us. Reversing this trend, this article focuses on a rural sector of the Central Valley of Chile to reveal how, through daily and ‘artisanal’ practices, it is possible to reimagine notions such as creativity, innovation, and adaptability, in the face of changing environments. Specifically, it recognizes the dynamic way in which the inhabitants of rural sectors comprehend objects and the environment; their particular way of living space and time within the local geography; and the role that their tools, technologies, practices, and knowledge play in the daily production of their homes.


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How to Cite
Muñoz, F., Greene, R. ., Errázuriz, T. ., & Jacob-Dazarola , R. . (2023). Caring, Repairing, and Reimagining: Experiences from the Rural World. Diseña, (23), Article.3. (Original work published October 22, 2023)
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biographies

Florencia Muñoz, Universidad de Playa Ancha

Ph.D. in Social Anthropology and Ethnology, École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). After graduating as a Social Anthropologist from Universidad de Chile, she obtained a master’s degree in Social Anthropology and Eth­nology from EHESS. She is an assistant professor at Universidad de Playa Ancha, and a Fondecyt postdoc researcher. Her research addresses domestic space, material culture, and visual methodo­logies, both in rural and urban contexts. Some of her most recent publications include: ‘Openʼ and ‘Closedʼ Homes: Sustainability and the Aesthetic Ecologies of Things’ (with T. Errázuriz and R. Greene; Home Cultures, Vol. 19, Issue 2); and ‘La pérennisation du quotidien : ethnographie visuelle et matérielle des intérieurs domestiques d’une rue de Paris’ (Visual Ethnography Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1). She is a member of the Cosas Maravillosas collective.

Ricardo Greene, Universidad de las Américas

Ph.D. in Anthropology, Goldsmiths, University of London. After graduating as a Sociologist, he obtained a master’s degree in Urban Development from Pontificia Uni­versidad Católica de Chile. He is an associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Animation, Design, and Construction of Universidad de las Américas. He is co-author of ‘The Countless Lives of Newspapers and the Right to Repurpose’ (with T. Errá­zuriz; Design and Culture, Vol. 13, Issue 3); and editor of Lawner (Bifurcations, 2022) and Crónicas Alienígenas (Aparte, 2022).

Tomás Errázuriz, Universidad Andrés Bello

Doctor of Architecture, Pontificia Univer­sidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Historian, graduated in PUC. He is a tenured professor at the Creative Campus of Universi­dad Andrés Bello. Through his research work, he studies the processes of socio-material adaptation that occur between people and their everyday environments. He has served as researcher responsible for the Fondecyt Regular projects ‘Cuidar y reparar: Reconfigurando las relaciones afectivas con los objetos domésticos’ and ‘Transformación material y simbólica de las prácticas del transporte y movilidad cotidiana en una ciudad chilena intermedia’. He is co-author of ‘My Cherished Garment: Rethinking Fashion, Attachment and Durability’ (with E. Müller, Fashion Theory, vol. 27, no. 3) and ‘The Countless Lives of Newspapers and the Right to Repurpose’ (with R. Greene; Design and Culture, Vol. 13, Issue 3). He is director of Editorial Bifurcaciones and co-founder of the Cosas Maravillosas collective.

Rubén Jacob-Dazarola , Universidad de Chile

Ph.D. in Design and Manufacture of Industrial Projects, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). After graduating as an Industrial Designer from Universidad de Valparaíso, he obtained a master’s degree CAD CAM CIM and a master’s degree in Design and Development of New Products, both from UPV. Consultant in industrial design and faculty member at Universidad de Chile. He investigates the relations­hip of industrial design, tangible products, and materials with emotions and experiences. Some of his latest publications include ‘Diseño para el duelo y el luto. Proyectando para el aislamiento y la pandemia desde la co-creación y el diseño para la experiencia’ (with F. Carrasco-Pizarro, F. Lara-Marín, and A. Oyarzo-Guzmán; Economía Creativa, Vol. 1, Issue 17), ‘Una asignatura para la enseñanza del diseño emocional. Análisis y conclusiones sobre experiencias académico-pedagógicas’ (in El qué y el cómo del Dise­ño Emocional, Designio, 2022) and ‘Diseño, eudaimonia y bien­estar. Dos casos desarrollados en el marco de la academia’ (with V. Gamboa and T. Vega; in Diseño y afectividad para fomentar el bienestar integral, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2022).


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