Bolivia’s political agenda in 2013 was characterized by a pre-electoral political agenda. Some of the important accomplishments of this country were related to an economic bonanza that continues, which in part is the result of sound macroeconomic management and a favorable international context for some of its main commodities, such as gas and agroindustry. However, the shadow of corruption continues in a country with an inefficient justice system and an
expanding state. The international agenda was also very active. One of the highlights was the forced landing of the presidential plane in Vienna in violation of international norms, which triggered the strong solidarity of countries in the region. But Bolivia also demonstrated international leadership by assuming the challenge of organizing the 50th anniversary of the G77 + China group at the United Nations, and for being one of the few countries in this region
to put a satellite in orbit. This year also showed President Morales as the favorite candidate for the upcoming elections, against an opposition that remains divided.