The Electric Fluid and the Search for Materiality: Visions of Energy and Technology in the Advertising of the First Electric Lights. Santiago, Chile. 1900-1920

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Yohad Zacarías


This article analyzes the historical evolution of the different visions in regards to electric lighting, which were materialized on first published advertisements in Santiago, Chile (1900 - 1920). These visions coincided with the search for explanations on the materiality of electricity by the state and municipal authorities and the incipient engineering technocracy, which tended to define this energy as a ‘fluid’. Likewise, the electricity companies took this discourse and used it in advertising, highlighting the properties of this energy matrix and its technical supremacy over other types of lighting, giving it symbolisms associated to the reduction of energy consumption and ‘vitamin’ potentials. From an STS theoretical approach, the advertising of electric lighting is studied in its first stage of expansion in Santiago, a period in which it was confronted by different types of lighting. For this purpose, the advertising ads published in the Zig-Zag magazine and the newspaper El Ferrocarril, as well as the minutes of the Bulletin of the Municipality of Santiago and the Chilean Institute of Engineers, were used as sources. Along with these and in search of a comparative regional analysis, other Latin American cases are also introduced.


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Zacarías, Y. (2021). The Electric Fluid and the Search for Materiality: Visions of Energy and Technology in the Advertising of the First Electric Lights. Santiago, Chile. 1900-1920. Diseña, (18), Article.3.
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biography

Yohad Zacarías, Universidad de Chile

Historian, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Master in History, PUC. She is a Fulbright Fellow for doctoral research, exploring the electrification of Santiago between 1945-1975. Her research focuses on the urban, environmental, and technological impact of electrification in Chile between the 19th and 20th centuries. Her re­cent publications include ‘La construcción de una ciudad cableada y la extensión del tranvía eléctrico: Electrificación, desarrollo técnico y nuevas configuraciones del espacio urbano. Santiago de Chile, 1890 – 1920’ (in S. Castillo y M. Mardones, eds.; La ciudad en movimiento. Estudios históricos sobre transporte colectivo y movilidad en Santiago de Chile, siglos XIX y XX, U. Alberto Hurtado, in press). She has been awarded a scholarship by the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Environmental History (SOLCHA) at Stanford University (CLAS) and the University of Copenhagen. She has been invited, as a lecturer, to the Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental (CIGA) at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. She coordinates internatio­nal student mobility in the International Relations Office at Universidad de Chile.


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